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Autofellatio is the method where a man is able to stimulate his own sexual organs with his mouth. All by himself. Men are not alone in this interesting form of sexual stimulation. Some women can utilize similar techniques to stimulate their vulva. In women this is known as autocunnilingus.

There are many approaches and methods of performing autofellatio. I'll give a brief outline of what all is entailed to help men try this amazing form of self-sex.

1) Make sure you have a healthy enough spine and no contraindications to performing such tasks. Things like fractures in the spine, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and other physical problems may rule out autofellatio for some men. See a doctor to see if you have any problems that might interfere with autofellating.

2) Some form of preparatory warm up to help relax the body is always helpful. I don't mean "warm up" like working out with weights or jogging around the block; but something like a very hot shower or bath will help relax the muscles of the body. This will help relax and limber you up and also clear your mind.

3) Comfortable settings are important. Something like a bed or a soft Yoga mat is preferred. Make sure you won't be disturbed. You don't want your sister walking in on you. That would really suck.

4) Now it's just a manner of bending forward enough to reach your goal. Don't ever push yourself and if you feel any strains in any muscles or in your back, then back off. There are many positions available. Some men get extra leverage by pulling up with their hands on their body. Some use a wall for support and leverage. However, leveraged stretches like this can really cause sprains, so if you are going to use leverage, going very, very easy.

That's about it, actually. There's really not much to it.

However, if you're not used to this sort of thing, chances are you didn't get very far. This is probably because of the lack of flexibility in your spine and associated joints. Practicing stretching, over time, will help men become more flexible. Joints and fascia can also be targeted to increase overall flexibility. There are many methods of simple therapy that can help men improve their spinal range-of-motion. Easy techniques men can do easily at home.

It's important to take it easy at first. Monitor yourself and be patient in your quest.

Men who are interested in speeding up the process of autofellatio are encouraged to read the book YOGAFELLATIO. This book is very useful in helping men realize their autofellational goals in the shortest amount of time possible. This material is presented in an intelligent and concise manner.

Kimi Kalfino

The ruined orgasm has to be the worst thing that can happen to any chaste man… but it's a wonderful punishment to subject him to if he's been pushing his luck. So let's see how to give a perfect… and perfectly torturous… ruined orgasm.

But first, what is a…

Ruined Orgasm

A ruined orgasm is one where as your man starts to orgasm… you simply stop all stimulation. Note you DO let him orgasm but you STOP as he's coming NOT before he comes.

I know, it sounds so innocent and harmless, but believe me, it will drive him virtually insane and, if my husband is to be believed (and there's no reason for him to lie about this), it's actually much worse than having no orgasm at all.

So, how do you give a man a ruined orgasm?

It's also a good alternative to milking, both internal and external (and despite the fact it's an orgasm of sorts, it's probably worse in terms of teasing and frustration than nothing at all, or that's what John says).

First, you'll need some lube.

You can do it without and his leaking will provide lube all of its own, but it's much better if you have it there from the outset.

Next get him to lie down on his back with his hands Eames Office Chair EA217 behind his head or behind him. I don't usually do this, but given what's about to happen, it's a good idea for once. It's likely at this point he's once more going to have a raging hard on (but, as before, if he hasn't, then he soon will).

Make your forefinger and thumb into a circle, then circle his head,and, squeezing quite hard, slide your hand slowly all the way down his shaft to the base. As your first hand reaches the bottom, circle his head with the forefinger and thumb of the other hand and repeat the process.

Keep doing this, slowly so it's a never-ending cycle.

Now, your mileage may vary, but John gets right to the edge like this, but it's never enough to tip him over – and in this case, with the ruined orgasm – this is what we want.

So, once he's at the edge, and begging, and I mean really begging to come, if necessary change your technique so you're sliding your finger and thumb up and down head only.

Be sure to grip hard – you won't hurt him unless you actually pinch, and…

The Stimulation He'll Feel Is Mind-Blowing.

The other reason is you'll feel it start to pulse under your finger just as he starts to come.

And that's when you let go and stop all stimulation (this is why you might want to handcuff his hands behind him or above his head, to stop him "finishing off").

I guarantee at this point he's going to be bucking and twitching, moaning groaning and begging, pushing up with his hips just to get contact of any kind with anything (a nice tease is to hover your hand just above his pulsing member and move it away as he thrusts, keeping a small but oh-so-important distance between it and what he needs ­- stimulation!).

If you're SICK and TIRED of reading all the hype and nonsense about male chastity and ruined orgasms on made-up fantasy blogs and forums, and you want the 'real McCoy' from a real-life genuine 24/7 lifestyle couple, then…